Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we watched a video. It was about these 3 guys that escaped their country because their country was in civil war. We learned that the north part was called Arab Muslims and the south part was called Christians and Animists. The guys names were Panther Bior, John Bul Dau, and Daniel Abul Pach. They all escaped their country and went to Kakuma, Kenya ( it was a united nations refugee camp). It hosted 86,000 Sudanese. They said that they reasons the escaped was because the government ordered to kill all of the men in the south. This terrified them so the escaped. They said as the crossed Kenya they only had 12,000 men left and they started with 27,000. Then some of them got chosen to go to America. Some of them did not even know what an  apartment was or have never used electricity. That's all we got to today in class.

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