Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we learned about religions. 3 gropus got to go and mine was one of them. Islam was first. Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods, and is a Abrahamic religion.The Qur'an book is like our bible. It is considered to be the exact words of god. Followers of Islams and called Muslims. Most Muslims live in the middle east. It is a belief that god is one, and the purpose is to love and serve him. There are five pillars of Islam, Shahada, Salah, Seyam, Zakat, and Hajj. Shahada is a testimony. Salah is a prayer. Seyam is fasting. Zakat is charity. Hajj is pilgrimage. The next religion we learned was Christianity. Demonations= Different groups of Christianity. Roman Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterrian, Lutheran, Protestant, Methodist, Mormon, Tehovah's witness, Quaker, and Orthodox. 50% of Christians are catholic population. There are roughly 2.8 billion Christians in the world. That is about one third of the worlds total population. In 2010, U.S., Brazil, and Mexico were top 3 with most christians on the world. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. We will continue with our power points tomorrow.

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