Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we reviewed what was going to be on the test. We went over Crude Birth Rate and that is how many babies are born in a year per thousand. We also went over Crude Death Rate and that is how many people die in a year per thousand. Also, Net Migration Rate and that is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year. We also went over what a immigration and emmigratinon is. Immigration is someone who comes into another country. An emmigrant is someone who is leaving a country. TFR is the average number of children born per woman (2.1 Average). RNI is where you subtract the death rate by the birth rate and divide by 10. The population pyramid is to analyze growth (or decline) of fertillity, morality, and migration in cities. We went over examples of  push forces and pull forces a push force is war in your country and a pull force is religious freedom. Then we went over how women live longer than men. I will study and do good on this test.

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