Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today in Human Geo we continued with our power points. The last 2 groups went and they were Judaism and Hinduism. Judasim went first. Jews practice practice their religion in a synagogue. There are 5 million Jews in the U.S., 13 million in the whole world. Isreal has 5 million. Abraham and Moses were their buggest leaders. Abrahan was the first Jew, The founder of Judasim. Moses was the main teacher of Judaism. There are about 14,500,000 people that follow Judasim. Then Hinduism was up. There are about 1 billion hindus. Most found in India and Asain countries. They have a large number of gods. Gods are also known as deity. Most Hindue houses have a small shrine. Hinduism was found in 2,000 B.C. It was founded in India. Their deity is Polythestic. We will take our quiz tomorrow and im am positive im going to do well.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we learned about religions. 3 gropus got to go and mine was one of them. Islam was first. Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods, and is a Abrahamic religion.The Qur'an book is like our bible. It is considered to be the exact words of god. Followers of Islams and called Muslims. Most Muslims live in the middle east. It is a belief that god is one, and the purpose is to love and serve him. There are five pillars of Islam, Shahada, Salah, Seyam, Zakat, and Hajj. Shahada is a testimony. Salah is a prayer. Seyam is fasting. Zakat is charity. Hajj is pilgrimage. The next religion we learned was Christianity. Demonations= Different groups of Christianity. Roman Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterrian, Lutheran, Protestant, Methodist, Mormon, Tehovah's witness, Quaker, and Orthodox. 50% of Christians are catholic population. There are roughly 2.8 billion Christians in the world. That is about one third of the worlds total population. In 2010, U.S., Brazil, and Mexico were top 3 with most christians on the world. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. We will continue with our power points tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we went over the quiz. I didint do so good on it. I will try and do better next time. Then we worked on our powerpoints. We had Buddhasim.  I learned that over 150 million people have Buddhasim as there religion. We will continue with our power points tomorrow and share them.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

On Human Geo class on Firday we took a quiz. I dont think i did so good on it. There were some easy parts and also some very hard parts. I will study harder next time and try to get an A.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today in Human Geo we reviewed for our test tomorrow. We went over Cultural Geography. 3 examples of Cultural Geography are language, religion, and ethnic heritage. For language we learned that Brazil is the only south american country that does not speak spanish. They speak Portuguese. We also learned that Canada is a bilingual nation. They speak French and English. Switzerland has multiple language but very little conflict between the groups. We also learned Spatial Divisons. Spatial Divisions are how we divide the liveable soace found on earth by establishing social, economic and political control. Some examples are countries, economic alliances, european union, organization of petroleum exporting countries, north american free trade agreement exc. Some reasons for spatial divisions are differences in culture, language, or religion. I think i will pass this test tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in class we took notes. We were taking notes on Cultural Geography. We learned that english is now considered the world language and is used for most business transactions around the world. We also learned that religion can be both unifying and disunifying force. There are major religions in the world today. Religioon can also be a dividing force around the world. Spatial divisions are how we divide the liveable space found on the earth by establishing social, economic and political control. Some reasons for Spatial divisions is differences in culture, language, or religion. Another reason is keeping historical boundaries, imperal conquest and control. We will continue with our notes tomorrow.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we reviewed what was going to be on the test. We went over Crude Birth Rate and that is how many babies are born in a year per thousand. We also went over Crude Death Rate and that is how many people die in a year per thousand. Also, Net Migration Rate and that is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year. We also went over what a immigration and emmigratinon is. Immigration is someone who comes into another country. An emmigrant is someone who is leaving a country. TFR is the average number of children born per woman (2.1 Average). RNI is where you subtract the death rate by the birth rate and divide by 10. The population pyramid is to analyze growth (or decline) of fertillity, morality, and migration in cities. We went over examples of  push forces and pull forces a push force is war in your country and a pull force is religious freedom. Then we went over how women live longer than men. I will study and do good on this test.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we went over our test. I did not do so good on it. Next time im going to take better notes during a viedo and ask questions. Then after that we continued with the population pyramid. We look at a couple more graphs and discussed why so many young or old people live their. One slide was somewhere in North Carolina and a lot of young people lived their because their is a army camp so many people live on base. Also, yesterday in class we looked at Florida. I noticed alot of old people live their. Mr. Schick said that its most old people in the north because they are tired with the cold weather and they just move their because the weather is nice all the time. We will continue with the pryramid tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we took our test. I thought it was easy but some parts were very hard. I think i did very good on it. I would have probaly not of done good in it if we were not able to use our blog. my notes helped alot but i did not have all of the information so it was difficult. I felt alot more relieved when i was told that we can use our notes. After the test we talked about the population pyramid. The population prymaid is the different number of age groups that live in each state. In Florida a lot more old people live their and in Michigan alot of young people live there. We looked at some other states but then the bell rang. We will continue with the Population Prymaid tomorrow.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

In Human Geo class on Friday we finished the movie. We found out that Panther got a car. Also, their is a lost boys foundation in 25 states. John finally meets his mother after not seeing her in 13 years. Panther married his girlfriend and reunites with his mom and dad. Panther got a degree form in economics from University Of Pittsburg. John supports his family. He got a degree form syracuse. Daniel continues to live in Pittsburg Job Corps and is taking classes at a community college. He has not yet met with his parents.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today in Human Geo we continued to watch the movie. John gets a job in a factory, he pucks gaskets. HIs second job is grilling burgers at Mcdonalds. Daniel processes checks at a bank. Panther works at a very fancy restaurant. Then John enrolled into a community college. Then he finds out that his parents are alive but are not clothed and sick. So, he drops out of college gets three jobs and sends some money to his family so they can make it through. Daniel has to move into a dorm so he can get help finding more jobs and trying to get into a community college. Then John arranges a meeting for the lost boys in Grands Rapid, Michigan. He meets his good friend again. But, John does not like how the young lost boys act and wants to change them. We will continue to watch the movie tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we continued to watch the movie. They made it to America. They got to their apartment and the manager taught them how to use everything. He taught them how to flush the toilet, turn lights on and off, and how to use the trash can and to take it out when it was overflowing.They have never used electricity before. They have never watched TV before. They thought that American's had a different meaning to Christmas then they did back home.They always celebrated Christ rising and they thought that they did it for presents and to see Santa. We are going to continue the movie tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we watched a video. It was about these 3 guys that escaped their country because their country was in civil war. We learned that the north part was called Arab Muslims and the south part was called Christians and Animists. The guys names were Panther Bior, John Bul Dau, and Daniel Abul Pach. They all escaped their country and went to Kakuma, Kenya ( it was a united nations refugee camp). It hosted 86,000 Sudanese. They said that they reasons the escaped was because the government ordered to kill all of the men in the south. This terrified them so the escaped. They said as the crossed Kenya they only had 12,000 men left and they started with 27,000. Then some of them got chosen to go to America. Some of them did not even know what an  apartment was or have never used electricity. That's all we got to today in class.