Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today in class we watched a video about Nike. The narrator's name was Jim and he played pro soccer and was an coach at St.Johns. He did not agree on wearing Nike because even though they were paying him to wear it, he thought of how much the people made. So he and a friend went to Indonesia and went to the Nike headquarters down there. He found out that workers make a $1.25 a day. He thought that Nike said they paid everyone fairly. He lived in Indonesia for a month with people that worked for Nike. They did not even have beds and the rooms were very small. Every time it rained rain would get in there house. Then Nike would dump the inside of the shoe which is rubber and they would burn it. This is a bad thing because rubber can have a toxic waste in it and they have children and if they breath that in they will get very sick. Then he confronted the CEO of Nike and the CEO did not even want to talk about it because he was eating with a friend. I think that the CEO did not even care about the people in Indonesia and that's bad because your the CEO of a company so everyone should be treated the same.

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