Friday, August 30, 2013

5 ways to be successful  at John Carroll

1. get involved outside of school

2. Review every night of what you did in class

3. meet new people

4. get help form your teacher when you don't understand something

5. check edmodo and sharepoint when you get home form school just in case you forgot something

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My first day of human geo was fun. Mr. Schick is a really cool guy and he is very funny, the only thing thats bad about him is he cant say my name but he gave me a nick name which i'm fine with. We got to sit where ever we wanted to and i sat in front of my friend Drew. I Really like Mr. Schick and i feel like  i'm gonna have a good year in his class. We went over our blog and how we are going to work it and that we are going to blog every night. I am Really excited to learn Human Geo this year!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

On the first day of school i was a little nervous because it was the first day of high school. But right when i walked in and i saw my friends  i was fine. 1st mod I had Mr. Perry who teaches earth science and i found out that he is very loud but a very good teacher. 2nd and 3rd mod I had gym with fabs and he is a really cool guy. 4th and 5th mod I had Spanish with Ms. Magner and she was very nice and very very funny. 6th and 7th mod i had Mr. Huber who teaches intro to bible, and i really liked him and i found out he taught my  sister. 8th mod i was off and i went and ate lunch and i was really confused with the bell schedule but my friends helped me out so I knew when it was over. 9th mod I had Mrs. Kraft the math teacher and she was really nice and my sister also had her and has her now. 10th mod i had computer support with Mr. Ireton he was really chill and he really liked my sister and he is a really nice guy. I had a very fun day on my first day of high school.