Friday, December 13, 2013

Today in Human Geo we got our study guide. I am going to do my study guide so i can do good on my exam. I will be ready and prepared for this exam and ready to do well.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today in calss we went over what was over the test and what we should write about on the essay. It should be atleast a 5 paragraph essay. I will study for this exam and make sure i do good on Mr.Schicks exam. I feel that im going to do very well on this exam.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today in Human Geo class we took a test. I studied and it was really easy. I believe that i passed the test. I thought it was very easy. I was happy with my grade.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Philanthropy- is the generous donation of money to good causes, Bill and Melinda gates are the second greatest Philanthropy

Mircofianace- a form of finanacial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services

Mircoloan- a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking services, usually to start or expand small, self-sufficient businesses

problems with microloans

high intrest rates


Its a mosquito-borne infectious disease

humans and animals can be infected throught the bit from a female

no vaccine exists

kills 665,000 people die each year many of them in africa

Mosquito nets can be affected

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

1. What is microfianace- is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services

2. Who makes the worldwide mosquitio net- Bill and Malinda gates

3.  what is a Micro entrepreneurs- person starting a business with little money

4. what is a microloan- a small amount of money given to a group of people to kickstart a busniess 

5. what is a mircolender-   A microlender is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. Microlenders typically charge higher-than-average interest rates: their maximum loan is usually 25,000$ or less. Recipients of micro-loans are typically individuals in poverty or in development zones in the U.S., or who live in developing nations

6. what is malaria-  comes from the name mal (bad air), , every year malaria causes 655,000 deaths, every minute, a child dies from malaria

7. how does microfiance help the community- Provides people that don’t have money to start a business, pay for medical attention, pay for schools

Helps small businesses start up. Also helps the local economy pay for insurance

8. what do mircoloans do-   benefits the community instead of one person

9. What animal carries malaria- Mosquitoes 

10. what dont banks give out more loans to the poor- because they have a high risk of paying it back.