Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today in Human Geo class we continued to watch the movie. I did not have to take a notes because i already took the test. The test had some pretty hard questions but i think i did okay on it. I am excited that i have Mr.Schick for the 2nd semester and will be ready ot do his work.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today In Human Geo class we continued with the movie.

China- Rice

America- Corn, sqaush, beans

Africa- Sorgum, millet, Yams

Papunewguinea- sago

If you want a good demostecated animal they shpuld be able to reproduce when they are 1 to 2 years old and have to eat plants

148 demestic animals that weigh over 100 pounds
Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cows, Horses, Donkies, Camals, Water buffalo, llamas, raindeer, yaks, mithan, cattle

Those are all the notes we took in class today.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Today in Human Geo class we watched a video called Guns, Germs, And Steel and we also took notes on it.

Jared Diamond
Professor at UCLA
Specialiest in Human Geology
He is a bird watcher
Loves birds

Outside of Eden

Papuanewguinea ( Island nation between Asia and Austriala)

Jared met a guy named Yally, Yally asked him a question and said why do you have such more cargo then we do. Cargo means all your possessions. Jared did not know how to answer the question

Cultural Anthropologists

Cargo ( evidence of a white man)

Saw themselves as genetic superiour

Ian Kutt ( Notre Dame University)

All great civilations have advanced techonology, large population, well organized workforce

sago tree gives you a lot of supply of dough but is not very nutrious and goes bad very quickly

Barley and wheat ( middle east) are grains that you can store for a long time

Drah- Small village

granary- place to store grain

Domestication- cross pollinate things

Friday, January 10, 2014

Today in Human Geo class we continued with our notes.

The second Urban Revolution

A large scale of movement of people to cities to work in manufacturing.

Made possible by:
1. second agricultural revolution that improved food production and created a larger surplus
2. industrialization, which encouraged growth of citites near industrial resources

During the second half of the 20th century...

Nature of manufacturing changed and locations changed too. Many factories have been abandoned, creatig "rust belts" out of once thriving industrial districts

Houses in the Indus river were all the same size

Zones of the city
Central business district (CBD)
Central city ( the CBD and olderhousing zones)
Suburb ( outlying, functionally uniform zone outside of the central city)

Edge cities

Suburban downtowns, often located near key freeway intersections, often with
-office complexes
-shopping centers
-entertainment facilities
-sport complexes

Making cities in the global core

redlining- financial institutions refasing to lead money in certain neighborhoods

Blockbusting- realtors purposefully sells home at a low price to an african american and white residents sold their homes at low prices, generated "white flights"

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Today in Human geo class we continued with notes.

Two components enable the fprmation of cities
1. Anagricultural Surplus
2. Social Stratification

5 hearths of Urbanization
1. Mesopotamia (Iraq) 3,500 BCE
2. Nile river valley (egypt) 3,200 BCE
3. Indus river valley (India) 2,200 BCE
4. Huang He and Wei River valley (china) 1,500 BCE
5. Mesoamerica (central America) 200 BCE

Theocratic= Setteld around god = Mesoamerica

Diffusion Of Urbanization

The greek cities
By 500 BCE, Greeks were highly urbanized
-Network of more than 500 cities and towns
-On the mainland and on islands
-Each city had an acropolis and an agora

The roman cities
A system of cities and small towns, linked together woth hundreds of miles of roads and sea routes
-Sites of roman cities were typically for trade
-A roman city's Forum combined the acropolis and agora into one space
-Roman cities had extreme wealth and extreme poverty (between 1/3 and 2/3s of the empire's population was enslaved)     Thats all we did in class today but today was my birthday and mr schick was nice enough to let the class sing happy birthday to me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today in human geo class we took notes on Urban Geograpghy 

When and why did people start living in cities? 

A city is a conglomeration of people and buildings clusterd together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics

Urban- The buildup of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city 

Example #1 

Shenzhen, China 

The modern process of Urbanization- A rural are can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world 

Shenzhen changed from a fishing village to a major metropolitan area in just 25 years. 25 years ago all of this land was duck ponds and rice paddies 

                                             The first urban revolution 
Before urbanization, people often clustered together in agricultural villages 

Agricultural Villages- a relatively small, egalitarian village of where most of the population was involved in agriculture. About 10,000 years ago people began living  in agricultural villages 

That's all the notes we took today

Friday, December 13, 2013

Today in Human Geo we got our study guide. I am going to do my study guide so i can do good on my exam. I will be ready and prepared for this exam and ready to do well.